JA Our City®
JA Our City® featuring Cha-Ching™ introduces students to financial literacy and learning objectives for social studies, including how people manage their money and the importance of economic exchange within a city. Dr. Alice Wilder, an award-winning expert on childhood learning (Blue's Clues, SUPER WHY, Cha-Ching™, Speakaboos, and Amazon Kids original programming), consulted on the learning experiences redevelopment.
Following participation in the learning experience, students will be able to:
- Explain the choices people have with money
- Recognize methods of payment and whether they are readily visible or invisible
- Examine the importance of money to a city and its citizens
- Describe how entrepreneurial businesses meet the needs and wants of citizens
JA Our City® is recommended for third-grade students.
This learning experience is available for classroom-based or remote classroom implementation.
- It includes five 45-minute sessions, with additional extended learning activities and optional digital assets offered throughout
- Spanish translation is available for JA Our City®
JA Learning Experiences support national and state standards in reading, mathematics, social studies, and work and career readiness. See here for more information on alignment with national and state standards.
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Download: JA Our City® JA In A Day Learning Experience Brief:http://www.jawesternpa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/JAOurCityJAinaDayLearningExperienceBrief.pdf
Download: JA Our City® JA In A Day Learning Experience Overview:http://www.jawesternpa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/JAOurCityJAinaDayLearningExperienceOverview.pdf
Download: JA Our City® Learning Experience Brief:http://www.jawesternpa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/JAOurCityProgramBrief.pdf
Download: JA Our City® Learning Experience Overview:http://www.jawesternpa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/JAOurCityProgramOverview.pdf
JA Resource Center for Volunteers and Educators:https://sites.google.com/ja.org/volunteer-educator-ja/ja-resource-center-for-volunteers-and-educators
JA Our Neighbors™:https://westernpa.ja.org/programs/supplements/ja-our-neighbors